If you have a loved one diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you may feel a range of emotions. You may be scared, confused, and unsure of what to do next. While it is important to seek professional help for them, there are also some things that you can do to support them. This blog post will explore some things you should consider if somebody you know is diagnosed with this disorder. This blog also provides tips on best supporting them through diagnosis and bipolar disorder treatment.
What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.
Symptoms can include:
- Unusual mood swings from extremely “up” or manic to very “down” or depressed
- Excessive energy during manic episodes
- Reduced need for sleep during manic episodes
- Unclear thinking and poor judgment during manic episodes
- Agitation, recklessness, and risk-taking behaviors during manic episodes
- Severe depression during depressive episodes
- Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, and/or helplessness during depressive episodes
- Loss of interest in formerly enjoyed activities during depressive episodes
Causes and Risk Factors
There are many possible causes and risk factors for this complex mental illness disorder. It is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
Bipolar disorder tends to run in families, so there is likely a genetic component. But it is not fully understood what role genetics plays. Other risk factors include brain structure abnormalities, neurotransmitter problems, and exposure to stressful or traumatic events. It can be difficult to manage, but treatment is available. Talk to a doctor or mental health professional if you are concerned about yourself or a close one.
Suggested Treatments
There is no one-size-fits-all bipolar disorder treatment, as the condition can vary greatly from person to person. However, several effective treatments available can help manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life. Some of the common treatments are:
Medications: Mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants are the most commonly prescribed medications for this disorder. These medications can help to stabilize mood swings and prevent future episodes of mania or depression. In some cases, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may also be recommended.
Psychotherapy: This therapy can help people learn how to cope with their symptoms, manage their stress levels, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Family therapy can also be beneficial in helping loved ones understand and support someone with this disorder.
Therapy: Therapy can help them learn how to cope with the challenges of this disorder and make healthy lifestyle choices. Finding a therapist who specializes in treating bipolar disorder and who your loved one feels comfortable working with is important.
Support from family and friends: If you have a loved one with bipolar disorder, offer them your support and understanding. Educate yourself about the condition to better support your loved one through their journey.
It’s important to remember that treatment for bipolar disorder takes time and patience. There may be setbacks along the way, but patients can lead happy and fulfilling lives with perseverance and support.
In summary, if your loved one has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it’s important to consider a few things to support them best. First and foremost, educate yourself on the condition to understand what they’re going through. Secondly, be patient and understanding with them as they navigate their illness. Finally, seek professional help if needed to ensure that you and your loved one are getting the support you need.