Benefits of Creating a Culture Like Best Version Media

Best Version Media are a global company that creates and publishes micro tag magazines which are used for small communities, niche industries and subdivisions. The company has gained raving reviews and a great reputation as being one that is excellent to work for and this is thanks to a relaxing culture where fun, hard work and creativity its the order of the day. Many companies shave looked to businesses such as Best Version Media s they also try to create an environment in the workplace which is tailored to the employees.

There are a great many benefits fo this kind of culture and as an employer you can expect happier staff, an increase in output, better performance, lower absence figures and better options for recruitment. If you are considering trying to implement a culture like this in your workplace, these are the cornerstones for success.

Give and Take

Sometimes employees are late, sometimes they need an afternoon off and sometimes they may need an emergency day off. In so many companies, when faced with this situation, they almost make the employees feel bad about this and demand that they are docked wages or that they must work the time back, either that or they are treated in such a way that they don’t even want to ask. This is completely wrong and if you wish to create a positive culture you must be flexible with your staff’s needs. The result of doing this is that when you need someone to stop back late, come in on their day off or put in that little bit extra, they will be happy to do so.

Ideas and Creativity

Something which Best Version Media do so well is to harvest ideas from within their team. Many business owners fail to unlock the ideas and the creativity within the team that they already have, and they also fail to involve them in the innovation process. To help our employees feel more valued and respected and to open up the possibility of a member of staff bringing forward a great idea, you must create an environment where they feel as though they can come forward with whatever they have in their mind.


Something else which many companies don’t do is to properly reward their staff for extra efforts and for success. In fact some promise this but then when the time comes to give the reward the run a bait and switch leaving employees frustrated. To create a great culture in your business you should be offering individual and team rewards for heart work and for those who are going above and beyond.

Team Work

The reason why many of the companies who have a positive culture like Best Version Media are scoffed at by traditionalists is because they appear to have more fun than do work. The reason behind this is because the emphasis is placed on the team dynamic, who win and lose together. Fun times between the team should be encouraged and as long as the work is being completed, there is no reason why fun can’t be had.

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