There are 3 million car accidents that happen annually worldwide. Unfortunately, many types of car accidents can occur. They may vary in severity and damage caused.
It’s best to be aware of these types of accidents, even if you are an experienced driver or a beginner. It can help protect yourself on the road, and you can also use this accident checklist to make sure you don’t miss anything that can help you later. We’ll share with you some of the most common car accidents below.
So without further ado, let’s get started! Let’s also look at the common car accidents to prevent them.
Rear-end or Backing Collision
Rear-end or backing collisions are a common type of accident. They occur when one vehicle strikes the back of another. These collisions can be minor fender benders or more multi-car severe pile-ups.
Make sure to open up your car accident insurance claim if this happens. Rear-end collisions occur most often, accounting for about 29% of all auto collisions. These result from the driver in the back not leaving the following distance between cars enough.
It can also happen when you don’t maintain enough speed to stay ahead of the car in front. In some cases, the driver in front may suddenly stop, and the one in the back does not have enough time to react.
Single-vehicle Accidents
Single-vehicle accidents are one of the main types of car accidents. These accidents occur when a vehicle collides with another object or is overturned with no other cars involved.
Single-vehicle accidents can include distracted driving. Additionally, inadequate maintenance of the vehicle can result in mechanical problems. Victims often find it challenging to receive fair compensation for the damages and injuries due to being the only party involved.
Intersection Crash
Intersection crash is widespread and happens when vehicles collide at a crossroads. It can be due to one driver failing to obey the right-of-way rules.
The most common cause of intersection crashes is driver error or negligence. Failure to yield, running a red light, inattention, and failing to observe speed limits.
It can lead to disastrous consequences such as whiplash symptoms delayed, serious personal injuries, or even death. Always be aware of your surroundings when driving. Always obey the signs and never use your phone on the road.
When you get into any auto accident injuries, hiring a Lakeland car accident attorney, or one near where you live, would be best. They can help you make a car accident claim or plan a car accident settlement.
Remember These Common Types of Car Accidents and Stay Aware When Driving
Car accidents can come in all shapes and sizes, from low-speed “fender benders” to catastrophic, multi-vehicle wrecks. Knowing the most common types of car accidents can help you stay safe on the roads and prepare for an emergency. No matter where you go or what vehicle you drive, always practice safe and defensive driving to reduce your risk of an accident.
Keep a first aid kit and contact information in your car. Car accidents can have serious consequences, so it is essential to always be aware and drive safely. Take the time to be an informed driver and refresh your knowledge of safe driving techniques.
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