4 Must-Have Store Fixtures That Can Sell Your Product

As any retail store owner knows, visual merchandising is key to driving sales. This includes everything from the color scheme and floor layout to display store fixtures.

A good display will make customers feel comfortable and confident in purchasing. It will also encourage them to stay longer in the store to explore more items.

Sleek Shelves

The right shelving can enhance product visibility by positioning your products at a natural point of sale. For example, buyers pull from the center of aisles nine times more often than from the corners.

Strategically placing your merchandise on retail shelves can help you increase sales, particularly if you display items with high-profit margins. Placing your best-selling merchandise at eye level will help your customers focus on that item and incentivize them to purchase it.

A great way to add interest to your shelves is to display complementary colors or stack complementary colors on top of each other. This will create an eye-catching display that your shoppers will enjoy.

Hanging Displays

Hanging displays are great for innovatively showcasing your product. They’re also good for stores with limited floor space or high-traffic areas.

For example, a giant ball of yarn hung on a mannequin is a cool and creative way to showcase knitwear or a slew of different colors.

The key to using a hanger correctly is to understand how you want your customers to view and interact with it. A great display will draw their attention and be easy for them to maneuver and use as a shopping guide. The trick is to select the best displays appropriate for your store size and product. It’s a simple process that can greatly impact your bottom line.

On-Shelf Displays

On-shelf displays are a great way to get your product noticed on store shelves. They also increase impulse buys and drive sales as shoppers are more likely to purchase additional items after seeing your product on the shelf.

Retailers use these displays to put forward a new product or promotion, display signage, interact with customers and categorize their assortments. They can be anything from simple mannequins to large frames with multiple products displayed inside.

They can even be printed on various materials and in various colors to suit your brand. In addition, they are lightweight and easy to move around the store, so you can adjust your messaging to fit the needs of different locations.

Aisle End Caps

Aisle end caps are a great way to get your product into the hands of shoppers. They can highlight a product, drive impulse buys, and entice customers down the aisle to other items they might not have otherwise considered.

Using end-cap displays is also an effective way to market seasonal products. For example, if you sell archery gear, you should place it on an end cap that fits that category.

Another key component to successful end cap displays is ensuring all items’ prices are the same. This is important because it eliminates any confusion for customers.

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