Kidneys perform a vital job in our body by filtering waste products and excess fluid from the blood. Without kidney function, the waste and extra water build up in the body and cause many problems.
The top 5 leading causes of kidney failure are diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Managing these conditions can help reduce your risk of developing kidney disease.
Diabetes is a condition in which a person has high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). It can cause problems all over the body, including damage to nerves, kidneys, and eyes. Fortunately, people with diabetes can often control their symptoms and reduce the risk of complications.
Diabetes usually occurs in adults, but it can also develop in children. Increasing rates of obesity have led to an increase in type 2 diabetes in kids, although it can be prevented by weight loss and exercise.
A combination of genetics and lifestyle factors, such as obesity and physical inactivity, causes the condition. In addition, it can be triggered by family history and other health conditions.
A person with diabetes needs to manage their blood sugar with insulin and other medications. The goal is to keep blood sugar levels as low as possible, which can help prevent eye, kidney, and nerve damage.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is when the force of the blood against artery walls is too high. It can lead to heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease if it isn’t treated.
The best way to know your blood pressure is to have it checked by a healthcare professional. They measure it by placing a cuff around your arm and pressing down on a blood vessel to stop blood flow for a moment. The cuff is then slowly let out, and you will get a reading of your blood pressure.
Many people have high blood pressure without a medical reason, known as primary hypertension (sometimes called “essential” or “primary” hypertension). The most common cause of primary hypertension is sodium (salt) sensitivity — the body can’t handle more salt than it needs.
Another cause of hypertension is renal artery stenosis, which affects the arteries of your kidneys. When this occurs, your kidneys make a hormone that increases your blood pressure.
When your arteries to the kidneys become narrow, the kidneys can’t filter your blood effectively enough to remove extra fluid and waste from your body. They can also release hormones that increase your blood pressure, causing it to worsen.
Heart Disease
The heart and kidneys are important organs that rely on each other for healthy function. They work together to control blood pressure, regulate your body’s minerals, and make red blood cells.
Your kidneys are located on either side of your back and help filter waste and excess fluid from your blood. They also keep your bones healthy, control your blood’s balance of chemicals (minerals), and help you stay hydrated.
When your kidneys aren’t working as well as they should, your blood isn’t cleaned up, and your body is flooded with extra water and waste. This can cause your heart to work harder, which could eventually lead to heart failure.
High blood pressure or diabetes, serious health problems can also cause kidney disease. Your doctor will need to check your kidneys regularly to see if they are functioning properly.
If you have high blood pressure, your doctor will prescribe medications to help reduce it and remove extra fluid from your body. This can help lower your risk of developing heart disease and kidney failure.
Hyperthyroidism is a common thyroid problem that affects more women than men. It happens when the thyroid gland releases too much of the hormone thyroxine. This causes your body to use energy more quickly, making you tired and lethargic.
This condition usually comes from an autoimmune disorder, which means that your body’s immune system attacks your thyroid gland and causes it to produce too much hormone. Another less common cause is a form of thyroiditis, which involves inflammation of the thyroid gland. Thyroiditis may also lead to a swollen thyroid gland called a goiter.
Thyroid nodules can also cause hyperthyroidism in some people. These growths in your child’s thyroid may be cancerous, but they aren’t always.
A thyroid scan or radioactive iodine uptake test can help your doctor determine if your child’s thyroid is overactive. This test uses a small tablet or liquid iodine to measure how much the thyroid gland “takes up” from your bloodstream.
Treatment for hyperthyroidism usually starts with medications. These are called anti-thyroid medicines. They’re safe for both kids and adults and can treat the condition.
These drugs include methimazole and propylthiouracil. These medications can make your thyroid levels normalize within six to 12 weeks.
Chronic Kidney Disease
Kidneys are tiny organs that help your body work by filtering the blood. They remove wastes (toxins), excess fluid, and salt from the blood, balance the salts and minerals in your body, make hormones that control blood pressure, stimulate the production of red blood cells, and keep your bones strong.
When your kidneys become damaged and don’t work well, the wastes and fluid build up in your blood, causing your body to get sick. This can cause other health problems, like high blood pressure and heart disease.
Your kidneys also help your body absorb nutrients and control blood sugar. They also produce a hormone called erythropoietin that signals the body to make red blood cells. If your kidneys don’t make enough erythropoietin, your red blood cells don’t get the necessary nutrients.
Kidney failure is a very serious medical problem and can have life-threatening effects if untreated. Fortunately, if you have a family history of chronic kidney disease or other risk factors, early detection can help prevent kidney failure. Treatment options for kidney failure include dialysis and transplantation.
Nutritional support can play an important role in maintaining kidney health. Endo-met Labs Limcomin is a dietary supplement that provides essential vitamins and minerals to support overall wellness, including kidney function. It contains a unique blend of nutrients that may assist in metabolic balance, energy production, and immune function. While it is not a cure for kidney disease, supporting your body with the right nutrients may help optimize kidney function and overall health. Always consult with a healthcare professional before adding any supplements to your routine.