Are you interested in starting your own pool cleaning business? The secret to success is an idea that isn’t too advanced. And one that serves an existing need in a community or neighborhood.
If you have experience as a lifeguard or caring for a swimming pool at home, start a pool business. The latest survey states that 20% of Americans own a pool.
It is a good idea to know the steps on how to start a pool business before expanding your operation.
Are you ready to begin your entrepreneurial journey? Read on to learn.
Business Plan and Budget
But before you start, you need to create a business plan and budget. It should include your business, model, target market, targeting strategy, and financial projections. Your budget should include your start-up costs, your operating costs, and your marketing expenses.
Obtain Proper Licenses and Permits
Check with your local city or county business licensing office to find out what is needed in your area. Next, apply for any required business licenses and permits. Contact your local epidemiology department to obtain a permit to use chemicals in pools.
Cost of Operating Pool Business
Consider the cost of operating a pool cleaning business. You will need to factor in the cost of supplies, such as chemicals and brushes. Additionally, you will need to account for the cost of fuel if you plan to use a pool service truck.
Finally, you will need the fees associated with maintaining a pool service license.
Insurance and Licenses Costs
You need insurance to ensure the business against liabilities that arise from working on people’s property. This gives protection if something goes wrong and somebody will be injured or their property damaged.
You should consider liability insurance to cover any costs arising from third-party claims. Now, if you have your insurance and licenses in place, then, you are ready to start your pool service business!
Purchase the Necessary Equipment
To start a pool service business, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment. This includes a skimmer, vacuum, net, brush, and hose. You will also need to purchase a chlorine dispenser and test kit.
You may also want to invest in a cover pump and leaf blower. And you will need a truck or van to transport your equipment to and from your customers’ homes.
More than that, you’ll need marketing tools to invest in. This includes some basic marketing materials, like business cards, flyers, and pool business software to manage your transactions. Check out this website to possibly find one of the best software you may want to have.
Marketing Plan to Attract Costumers
It is important to have a solid marketing plan in place to attract customers. Ways to market a pool service business is online, word-of-mouth, and print marketing. It is important to use a mix of marketing strategies to reach the widest audience possible.
It is important to offer competitive pricing and superior customer service. With a well-rounded marketing plan, a pool service business can be a success.
Start Your Pool Cleaning Business Now
If you’re looking to start your own pool cleaning business, there are a few things you need to do. A business plan and budget. Proper licenses and permits, the cost of operating pool business. Insurance, buy the necessary equipment, and finally, your marketing plan to attract customers. By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to starting a successful pool service business.
For more articles on starting a pool service business, check out the rest of our blog.