Are You Suffering From Blurred Vision in Front of a Screen?

If you use a computer, smartphone, or tablet for prolonged periods, your eyesight may get blurry. It is called computer vision syndrome (CVS), and it affects many people.

CVS is not permanent, but it can cause eye discomfort. The condition may also lead to other issues like dizziness, headaches, and dry eyes.

Eye Strain

People who spend two or more hours a day on computer screens or other digital devices have an increased risk of developing eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome (CVS). CVS symptoms include eye discomfort and fatigue, dry eye, blurry or double vision, headaches, and other problems.

A critical factor in the development of CVS is that the letters on a screen are not as precise or sharply defined as those on printed pages, and the level of contrast of the letter to the background is usually reduced, according to the American Optometric Association. 

In addition, sudden blurred vision causes your eye muscles may weaken from focusing on the screen for too long, which makes it harder to change focus. Try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, shift your focus to something at least 20 feet away and look at it for about 20 seconds.

To help prevent eye strain from developing, consider making changes to your work environment or using digital devices. These changes include reducing screen time, increasing the text size on your computer or handheld device, and avoiding glare.

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of eye strain, such as tired or sore eyes, increased sensitivity to light, blurred or double vision, and other symptoms that last more than an hour, contact your doctor to schedule an appointment. Getting your eyes check at an eye clinic melbourne, or anywhere else, could help detect problem as early as possible. He or she may recommend corrective lenses, prescribe eye exercises, or refer you to an ophthalmologist for additional testing.

Although eye strain is not severe, it can be frustrating and annoying. It usually goes away when your eyes are given a break from the work or activity that’s causing them to get tired.

Corneal Abrasive Scratches

Corneal abrasions are scratches that occur on the surface of your eye. They are usually caused by rubbing the cornea with something, such as a fingernail or edge of paper, but they can also result from eye conditions and contact lens wear.

Most corneal abrasions affect the very top layer of your cornea. They do not go deep enough to cause permanent damage, but they can disrupt the cells that form the surface of your cornea, causing blurred vision and discomfort.

A minor corneal abrasion can heal quickly, but you must see your doctor if you have an inflamed eye or think you might have corneal ulcers. These can be serious and require immediate medical attention to prevent further problems, including corneal glaucoma.

The cornea has five layers, and the highest layer is more prone to scratching than the other four. If the highest layer is damaged, it can be difficult for new cells to attach.

Even the slightest scratch on your cornea can cause symptoms such as pain and redness. It can also cause a gritty or foreign body sensation and blurred vision.

Some people might experience eye twitching, which can cause further problems. In extreme cases, a corneal abrasion may cause a more severe condition known as iritis.

A mild corneal abrasion should clear up within 24 to 48 hours without permanent damage. Sometimes, a patch will be added to your eye to keep it from moving as it heals so new cells can reconnect with undamaged cornea layers.


Hyphema is the accumulation of blood in the eye’s anterior chamber (the space between the cornea and iris). It can vary in appearance, from a small spot that’s hard to see with your naked eye to a large clump covering the iris and pupil.

Often, it’s caused by blunt force trauma to the face or eye. Besides causing hyphema, these injuries can also cause cataracts, retinal detachments, and glaucoma if not treated immediately.

Most people with hyphema will have some bleeding and pressure in their eyes, but it usually resolves within 24 hours. However, surgery might be needed if the bleeding does not stop or the pressure stays high.

If a hyphema is not treated, it can lead to permanent vision loss, as the red blood cells stain the cornea. Medications may be prescribed to reduce the pressure, or surgery can be performed to drain the blood from the eye.

If you have a hyphema, you should immediately see an eye specialist. They will complete an eye exam, including tonometry and a slit lamp examination. They may also order a CT scan to check the bones that form your eye sockets and other areas of your face.

Refractive Errors

Refractive errors are vision problems that occur when the shape of your eye does not bend light correctly. This could be caused by the length of your eyeball being too long (longsightedness) or too short (shortsightedness), changes in the shape of your cornea, or aging of your lens.

Refraction errors are usually diagnosed as part of a standard eye exam. Your ophthalmologist or optometrist will check your eyes by asking you to read letters on a particular chart while looking through different lenses and then reread the same letters at a distance.

Most people have one type of refractive error – myopia (shortsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness). Myopia is the most common, and it causes nearby objects to appear blurry while distant ones are clear.

Farsightedness, also known as myopia, is a standard refractive error that causes objects at a distance to be blurry. It is usually inherited and lessens in adulthood.

Presbyopia is another standard refractive error that occurs as you age and affects your ability to focus on close objects. It happens because the crystalline lens in your eye becomes less elastic as you age.

If you have a refractive error, your eye doctor may prescribe glasses or contact lenses to help improve your vision. They can also recommend laser eye surgery to correct the problem if necessary.

Blurred or double vision, hazy vision, squinting, seeing glare or halos around bright lights, headaches, and eye strain are all symptoms of refractive error. They often happen after long periods of focusing, such as driving or reading. They can also cause eye fatigue and irritation.


Presbyopia is a natural age-related process that affects everyone. It occurs as the lens of your eye becomes thicker and less elastic, which makes it harder for your eyes to change their focusing ability.

Your clear eyeglasses lens sits inside your eye behind your iris (the colored part of the eye). It bends light entering your eye to focus an image on the retina located at the back of your eye.

To focus, your eyes use a ciliary muscle surrounding the lens. As the ciliary muscle contracts and relaxes, it changes the tension on the lens. This alters the shape and focusing power of your lenses, making it easier to see objects at different distances.

When you are young, your eyes rely on this focusing process. For example, when you play with a toy at close range, your eye’s lens changes thickness and allows you to see the toy. This focusing ability is called accommodation.

As you get older, this focusing ability slows and decreases, making it hard for you to focus on close things. It can also cause headaches, eye strain, and visual fatigue that can make and other near-vision tasks uncomfortable or tiring.

Your eye care provider can diagnose presbyopia by performing a thorough eye exam and a refraction test. They will also discuss your vision and recommend treatment options that work best for you. These can include prescription glasses, contact lenses, nonprescription reading glasses, progressive addition lenses, and bifocals.

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