We’re witnessing a CBD craze like never before here in the US. Not only is CBD hugely popular, but new ways to consume it show up all the time.
And one product that is becoming very popular among American CBD connoisseurs is CBD cigarettes. As to what they are and why they’re so popular among American smokers, well you will have to continue reading to find out.
With all that said, let’s just straight in.
CBD Cigarettes Are In Style
What drives popularity the most? Well, trends! CBD cigarettes among many other CBD products from Promise Drops are super trendy and IN right now. They are the successor to CBD oil, in the sense that everyone wants them.
As time goes on this product will become America’s favorite, and certainly a favorite among smokers. It seems that more and more people smoke hemp as opposed to taking oil.
But why is this product so trendy? Well, before cigarettes, oil was the main attraction. But oil had to be limited to only 0.3% of THC. That doesn’t have to be the case with CBD cigarettes.
While there are THC-free cigarettes, it is the THC-rich ones that are also available to smokers. And it’s important to point out that the THC content isn’t the same as you would smoke a joint. So apart from being super trendy, they are very versatile.
They Are An Alternative To Tobacco
Smoking tobacco is something that a lot of Americans do. But tobacco is nowhere as safe as hemp. CBD cigarettes are seen as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes in many ways.
First off, they’re a familiar method that provides the same psychological benefits that cigarettes provide. In short, they’re a great way to blow off steam and stress.
Secondly, they look the same as tobacco cigarettes and we smoke them the same way we would any normal cigarette. So you’re essentially doing the same thing but this time you’re not exposing yourself to any harm or risk.
They Are More Effective
When we think about the best CBD products, what exactly do we mean by best? Do we think about convenience, anonymity, or perhaps effectiveness?
Well, depending on how you look at it, CBD cigarettes tick all of the boxes. Not only are cigarettes convenient and anonymous, but they’re also the most effective means of using CBD whose formal name is cannabidiol.
This is because when we smoke the CBD it goes directly into our bloodstream. The bloodstream does an excellent job of redistributing it all across your body in a fast and effective method. When we eat edibles, for example, we have to wait for the edibles to dissolve in our stomachs.
We don’t have to wait for anything when we smoke, making it the fastest and most effective means of using CBD.
It’s More Fun
While this one is purely down to every individual themselves, we’re betting that most people find CBD cigarettes more fun than other products. Even if you’re an oil fan yourself, no one can dispute the sheer variety of CBD strains that exists.
This means you can go online or to a nearby physical store and do some browsing before you make the purchase. And not only that, everyone knows how fun it can be to pick a new strain to try out.
Another reason why they’re more fun than oil, per se, is the fact that you can’t pick and choose the choice between Indica, Sativa, the terpenes, and other flavonoids. These categories are usually pre-selected and all you have to do is decide whether you like that or not.
But with cigarettes, you can explore and do your own mixings to see what works best. While there are CBD cigarettes that come as pre-rolled, you can always grab your RAW set and start mixing away.
The Benefits of CBD
While every CBD product will give you the benefit of CBD, it is safe to mention that CBD cigarettes are more effective. This is also the case if the CBD buds happen to be full spectrum.
CBD Cigarettes Contain No Added Chemicals
Unlike normal tobacco cigarettes, CBD cigarettes are 100% organic and contain no harmful chemicals. And do understand that tobacco cigarettes contain hundreds of deadly chemicals that shorten a smoker’s life. It’s also safe to point out that CBD cigarettes aren’t manufactured with the clear goal of making them more addictive for the users.
That is the opposite of what the strategy is for tobacco cigarette manufacturing companies. All of those deadly chemicals are used in a way so that the user gets more hooked on smoking.
They’re Less Expensive
It’s a smoker’s dream to find a product that is good but also fairly priced. For tobacco cigarettes, we cannot say that the product is fairly priced. And the smoker definitely feels the economic drawbacks to buying tobacco cigarettes. For the best prices, sites such as cbdcigarettesusa.com are recommended.
A pack of tobacco cigarettes costs anything between $4 and $8, with the overall average being somewhere around $6. For that price, you’re getting a pack of 20 cigarettes that will last a smoker for about half a day. That means smokers spend a lot of money on cigarettes.
But in the case of CBD cigarettes, you only need two for the day. While you can smoke as much as you want, seeing as CBD is completely safe and it doesn’t matter how much you smoke, you will spend less money doing the same. The average price of CBD cigarettes is somewhere around the $20 mark.
But a pack can last anywhere between a day and up to 10 days. So if you’re sensible, you will be spending as little as $2 a day.
They’re Legal
And onto our final reason why Americans are smoking CBD is the fact that it is legal to use in many states. This is thanks to the Farm Bill of 2018 that President Trump signed into law. The law allowed the growth, cultivation, and consumption of hemp (the plant that we harvest for CBD).
This means that you can smoke CBD cigarettes in 50 states and face no opposition from the law. That cannot be said for ganja.
The sheer convenience, effectiveness, and overall superiority of CBD cigarettes are what make them so popular among American smokers. While the product has a lot of ground to cover to rank up to the likes of CBD oil and edibles, it is still one of the most popular CBD products in the United States.